Page 20 - 133812 jobs found for you

page 20
    • 兵庫県神戸市西区, 兵庫県
    • temporary
    • ¥1300.00 per hour
    職種組立・部品加工、その他(製造)、検品勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容男性活躍中!飛行機などに使われる『部品チェック』/ゆくゆくは時給アップ⤴遣り甲斐バッチリ!ものづくりに挑戦☆彡\< 取り扱うのは > 車・飛行機・建設機械などに使われる部品 *親指~手のひらサイズまで様々< お任せするのは > 【1】機械で出来上がった部品の検品 【2】不備があれば、研磨など仕上げ *こつこつモクモク作業ですPOINT▼ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ まずは土日休みの2交替からスタート! ゆくゆくはシフト勤務で時給は1420円 *時給アップまでの期間は~5ヶ月ほど 夏休み・年末年始・GWなど連休も完備♪※詳細は面談にて派遣先の特徴国内の製造メーカーをサポート☆大手メーカーや優良企業との取引多数の実績!最寄駅山陽線/明石駅(車10分)西神・山手線/西神中央駅(車10分)山陽線、山陽本線/西明石駅(車18分)休日休暇週休2日はじめは土日休み⇒お仕事に慣れたら土日含むシフト⇒時給1420円へUP(目安:長くて4~5か月程度)就業時間(1)8:
    職種組立・部品加工、その他(製造)、検品勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容男性活躍中!飛行機などに使われる『部品チェック』/ゆくゆくは時給アップ⤴遣り甲斐バッチリ!ものづくりに挑戦☆彡\< 取り扱うのは > 車・飛行機・建設機械などに使われる部品 *親指~手のひらサイズまで様々< お任せするのは > 【1】機械で出来上がった部品の検品 【2】不備があれば、研磨など仕上げ *こつこつモクモク作業ですPOINT▼ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ まずは土日休みの2交替からスタート! ゆくゆくはシフト勤務で時給は1420円 *時給アップまでの期間は~5ヶ月ほど 夏休み・年末年始・GWなど連休も完備♪※詳細は面談にて派遣先の特徴国内の製造メーカーをサポート☆大手メーカーや優良企業との取引多数の実績!最寄駅山陽線/明石駅(車10分)西神・山手線/西神中央駅(車10分)山陽線、山陽本線/西明石駅(車18分)休日休暇週休2日はじめは土日休み⇒お仕事に慣れたら土日含むシフト⇒時給1420円へUP(目安:長くて4~5か月程度)就業時間(1)8:
    • 兵庫県姫路市, 兵庫県
    • temporary
    • ¥1150.00 per hour
    職種仕分け・ピッキング・梱包、検査、検品、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 <未経験OK!撮影スキル不要☆> エアコン完備のお部屋で商品撮影♪ 駅チカ&マイカーOKで通勤もラクラク◎■扱うのは ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄全国の買取店舗から届いた中古の<ブランド商品>■作業内容 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄【1】商品をスマホでパシャっと撮影【2】商品を箱に戻す▶撮影に慣れてきたら… HP用のコメントの作成をお任せすることも◎*PCはネット検索や簡単な入力ができれば大丈夫です!~詳細は面談にて~派遣先の特徴<CMでも話題♪>総合買取専門店です◎最寄駅山陽電気鉄道/飾磨駅(徒歩5分)山陽本線、播但線、姫新線/姫路駅(車10分)山陽電気鉄道/広畑駅(車14分)休日休暇シフト制週5日シフト制/日曜+1日休み ◆年末年始休暇あり(12/30~1/3)就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業月~5時間 *無しも相談OK!
    職種仕分け・ピッキング・梱包、検査、検品、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 <未経験OK!撮影スキル不要☆> エアコン完備のお部屋で商品撮影♪ 駅チカ&マイカーOKで通勤もラクラク◎■扱うのは ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄全国の買取店舗から届いた中古の<ブランド商品>■作業内容 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄【1】商品をスマホでパシャっと撮影【2】商品を箱に戻す▶撮影に慣れてきたら… HP用のコメントの作成をお任せすることも◎*PCはネット検索や簡単な入力ができれば大丈夫です!~詳細は面談にて~派遣先の特徴<CMでも話題♪>総合買取専門店です◎最寄駅山陽電気鉄道/飾磨駅(徒歩5分)山陽本線、播但線、姫新線/姫路駅(車10分)山陽電気鉄道/広畑駅(車14分)休日休暇シフト制週5日シフト制/日曜+1日休み ◆年末年始休暇あり(12/30~1/3)就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業月~5時間 *無しも相談OK!
    • 群馬県邑楽郡大泉町, 群馬県
    • temporary
    • ¥1200.00 per hour
    職種組立・部品加工、検査、仕分け・ピッキング・梱包、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\あの有名企業で高性能冷蔵庫を作ろう!/体に負担かけずに、働ける!お仕事もカンタン♪ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・ー<お仕事内容>ハイスペックな冷蔵庫の部品を台に乗せて、作業しやすい高さに調整し、外装部分と中身の部品を取り付け。<注目ポイント!>製品を腰の高さに調整できること!作業しやすく調整できるので、無理な姿勢で作業しなくて済みます。<使用工具>電動ドライバー※初めての方、ブランクがある方、操作に自信が持てない場合は、 練習場で学べます。\詳しい内容は、専属の担当者よりご説明いたします/派遣先の特徴*国内大手家電メーカーのヘルスケア部門です*20代30代、ミドル層と幅広い世代の方が長期で活躍しています最寄駅東武小泉線/西小泉駅(車3分)東武伊勢崎線/太田(群馬県)駅(車10分)東武伊勢崎線/足利市駅(車18分)休日休暇企業カレンダーによる土日祝日休み、GW・夏季・冬期休暇あり就業時間8:30-17:00(実
    職種組立・部品加工、検査、仕分け・ピッキング・梱包、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\あの有名企業で高性能冷蔵庫を作ろう!/体に負担かけずに、働ける!お仕事もカンタン♪ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・ー<お仕事内容>ハイスペックな冷蔵庫の部品を台に乗せて、作業しやすい高さに調整し、外装部分と中身の部品を取り付け。<注目ポイント!>製品を腰の高さに調整できること!作業しやすく調整できるので、無理な姿勢で作業しなくて済みます。<使用工具>電動ドライバー※初めての方、ブランクがある方、操作に自信が持てない場合は、 練習場で学べます。\詳しい内容は、専属の担当者よりご説明いたします/派遣先の特徴*国内大手家電メーカーのヘルスケア部門です*20代30代、ミドル層と幅広い世代の方が長期で活躍しています最寄駅東武小泉線/西小泉駅(車3分)東武伊勢崎線/太田(群馬県)駅(車10分)東武伊勢崎線/足利市駅(車18分)休日休暇企業カレンダーによる土日祝日休み、GW・夏季・冬期休暇あり就業時間8:30-17:00(実
    • 兵庫県伊丹市, 兵庫県
    • temporary
    • ¥1400.00 per hour
    職種その他(製造)、組立・部品加工、マシンオペレーター、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 ★夜勤ありで最大時給1750円 ★玉掛け・クレーン資格も活かせる ★地元の優良メーカーで安定就業< 作業内容 >自動車パーツを扱うメーカーでの作業■加工マシンに製品を投入 (自動で製品を加工してくれます)■完成品の検査・箱詰め■出荷場所への運搬作業加工作業はマシンが担当!だから難しい細かい作業はなし◎~詳細は面談にて~派遣先の特徴自動車産業・エレクトロニクス・宇宙産業に貢献☆こだわりのモノづくり◎金属部品を製造・販売しています!大手メーカーと取引多数の超優良企業です♪最寄駅阪急伊丹線/伊丹(阪急線)駅(徒歩5分)阪急伊丹線/伊丹(阪急線)駅(徒歩10分)阪急宝塚本線、能勢電鉄妙見線/川西能勢口駅(その他20分)休日休暇週休2日土日はシッカリお休み♪/GW・夏季休暇・年末年始の大型連休アリ!! ※祝日は出勤/企業カレンダーあり就業時間(1)8:15-16:45(実働7時間25分・休憩65分)(2)
    職種その他(製造)、組立・部品加工、マシンオペレーター、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 ★夜勤ありで最大時給1750円 ★玉掛け・クレーン資格も活かせる ★地元の優良メーカーで安定就業< 作業内容 >自動車パーツを扱うメーカーでの作業■加工マシンに製品を投入 (自動で製品を加工してくれます)■完成品の検査・箱詰め■出荷場所への運搬作業加工作業はマシンが担当!だから難しい細かい作業はなし◎~詳細は面談にて~派遣先の特徴自動車産業・エレクトロニクス・宇宙産業に貢献☆こだわりのモノづくり◎金属部品を製造・販売しています!大手メーカーと取引多数の超優良企業です♪最寄駅阪急伊丹線/伊丹(阪急線)駅(徒歩5分)阪急伊丹線/伊丹(阪急線)駅(徒歩10分)阪急宝塚本線、能勢電鉄妙見線/川西能勢口駅(その他20分)休日休暇週休2日土日はシッカリお休み♪/GW・夏季休暇・年末年始の大型連休アリ!! ※祝日は出勤/企業カレンダーあり就業時間(1)8:15-16:45(実働7時間25分・休憩65分)(2)
    • 栃木県河内郡上三川町, 栃木県
    • temporary
    • ¥1400.00 per hour
    職種組立・部品加工、検査勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容くるまの内装づくりのプロ企業★【仕事内容】・加工の準備・芯材と表布の接着・乾燥器で接着剤を乾燥・簡易検査、次の工程へ運搬 など※作業のほとんどは 機械で行うのでカンタンです★【ポイント】◎高時給1400円~深夜割増時給1750円 ※22時~5時は割増時間帯◎職場近くに売店が4か所あり♪◎トイレがピカピカで個室も多め☆『※詳細はお仕事のご紹介時にお伝えします』派遣先の特徴自動車内装部品の研究開発、製造、販売におけるトップクラスのメーカー最寄駅JR東北本線(宇都宮線)、JR湘南新宿ライン、上野東京ライン/石橋(栃木県)駅(車15分)JR東北本線(宇都宮線)、JR湘南新宿ライン、上野東京ライン/雀宮駅(車13分)真岡鐡道線/真岡駅(車20分)休日休暇企業カレンダーによる土日休み ◎各種長期連休(GW・夏季・年末年始)あり就業時間(1)8:00-16:50(実働8時間00分・休憩50分)(2)20:00-4:50(実働8時間00分・休憩50分)※ご飯休憩50
    職種組立・部品加工、検査勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容くるまの内装づくりのプロ企業★【仕事内容】・加工の準備・芯材と表布の接着・乾燥器で接着剤を乾燥・簡易検査、次の工程へ運搬 など※作業のほとんどは 機械で行うのでカンタンです★【ポイント】◎高時給1400円~深夜割増時給1750円 ※22時~5時は割増時間帯◎職場近くに売店が4か所あり♪◎トイレがピカピカで個室も多め☆『※詳細はお仕事のご紹介時にお伝えします』派遣先の特徴自動車内装部品の研究開発、製造、販売におけるトップクラスのメーカー最寄駅JR東北本線(宇都宮線)、JR湘南新宿ライン、上野東京ライン/石橋(栃木県)駅(車15分)JR東北本線(宇都宮線)、JR湘南新宿ライン、上野東京ライン/雀宮駅(車13分)真岡鐡道線/真岡駅(車20分)休日休暇企業カレンダーによる土日休み ◎各種長期連休(GW・夏季・年末年始)あり就業時間(1)8:00-16:50(実働8時間00分・休憩50分)(2)20:00-4:50(実働8時間00分・休憩50分)※ご飯休憩50
    • 三重県四日市市, 三重県
    • temporary
    • ¥1200.00 per hour
    職種マシンオペレーター、組立・部品加工、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容落ち着く雰囲気の職場です♪カーペットやマスクの不織布等を作っている会社でマシンオペレーターのオシゴト。機械に糸をセットしてスイッチ「ポチ★」機械が動いている間は不具合がないかの監視、不具合時が起きたときには機械を止めて不具合を解消します。(材料のつまりを取り除くなどカンタンな作業です)◆工場初めてさんも大歓迎◆20~60代まで幅広い年齢活躍中!◆駅チカで通勤ラクラク&車通勤もOK当社スタッフさんも多数活躍中の働きやすい職場です◎派遣先の特徴 最寄駅徒歩5分で通勤ラクラク★もちろん車通勤もOK!ゆったりとした雰囲気で長く続ける方も多い職場です。最寄駅近鉄/楠駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇土日祝日祝日土曜日の出勤あり、カレンダーによる就業時間(1)6:00-14:05(実働7時間20分・休憩45分)(2)13:55-22:00(実働7時間20分・休憩45分)※ 遅番の際に残業が発生すると最終電車が利用できないのでお車等での通
    職種マシンオペレーター、組立・部品加工、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容落ち着く雰囲気の職場です♪カーペットやマスクの不織布等を作っている会社でマシンオペレーターのオシゴト。機械に糸をセットしてスイッチ「ポチ★」機械が動いている間は不具合がないかの監視、不具合時が起きたときには機械を止めて不具合を解消します。(材料のつまりを取り除くなどカンタンな作業です)◆工場初めてさんも大歓迎◆20~60代まで幅広い年齢活躍中!◆駅チカで通勤ラクラク&車通勤もOK当社スタッフさんも多数活躍中の働きやすい職場です◎派遣先の特徴 最寄駅徒歩5分で通勤ラクラク★もちろん車通勤もOK!ゆったりとした雰囲気で長く続ける方も多い職場です。最寄駅近鉄/楠駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇土日祝日祝日土曜日の出勤あり、カレンダーによる就業時間(1)6:00-14:05(実働7時間20分・休憩45分)(2)13:55-22:00(実働7時間20分・休憩45分)※ 遅番の際に残業が発生すると最終電車が利用できないのでお車等での通
    • 兵庫県伊丹市, 兵庫県
    • temporary
    • ¥1350.00 per hour
    職種マシンオペレーター、検査、その他(製造)、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 ☑ 平日のみでオンオフ◎ ☑ 未経験から資格・スキルUPも♪ ☑ 大手メーカーとの取引多数で安定!< 取り扱うのは > 手のひらサイズの自動車パーツ< 作業作業 >【部品セット】→【箱に入れる】の2STEP♪STEP1■素材をマシンに置く    ▽▽…<加工スタート♪>STEP2■完成品をポリ箱にIN!たま~にマシンの油さし・傷のチェックなども◎ ・‥★POINT★‥・◎入社後も安心!しっかりサポート体制有♪◎慣れてきたら十数台のマシンを担当します!~詳細は面談にて~派遣先の特徴自動車産業・エレクトロニクス・宇宙産業に貢献☆こだわりのモノづくり◎金属部品を製造・販売しています!大手メーカーと取引多数の超優良企業です♪最寄駅福知山線/伊丹(福知山線)駅(徒歩6分)阪急伊丹線/伊丹(阪急線)駅(徒歩10分)阪急宝塚本線、能勢電鉄妙見線/川西能勢口駅(その他20分)休日休暇週休2日◆土日休み ◆祝日出勤 ◆5・
    職種マシンオペレーター、検査、その他(製造)、その他(倉庫・軽作業)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 ☑ 平日のみでオンオフ◎ ☑ 未経験から資格・スキルUPも♪ ☑ 大手メーカーとの取引多数で安定!< 取り扱うのは > 手のひらサイズの自動車パーツ< 作業作業 >【部品セット】→【箱に入れる】の2STEP♪STEP1■素材をマシンに置く    ▽▽…<加工スタート♪>STEP2■完成品をポリ箱にIN!たま~にマシンの油さし・傷のチェックなども◎ ・‥★POINT★‥・◎入社後も安心!しっかりサポート体制有♪◎慣れてきたら十数台のマシンを担当します!~詳細は面談にて~派遣先の特徴自動車産業・エレクトロニクス・宇宙産業に貢献☆こだわりのモノづくり◎金属部品を製造・販売しています!大手メーカーと取引多数の超優良企業です♪最寄駅福知山線/伊丹(福知山線)駅(徒歩6分)阪急伊丹線/伊丹(阪急線)駅(徒歩10分)阪急宝塚本線、能勢電鉄妙見線/川西能勢口駅(その他20分)休日休暇週休2日◆土日休み ◆祝日出勤 ◆5・
    • 大阪府大阪市淀川区, 大阪府
    • temporary
    • ¥1550.00 per hour
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\化粧品会社のカスタマーサービスのオシゴト/     ~未経験カンゲイ~ ▼メール7割、電話3割(受電メイン)▼6~7名ほどのチームで質問しやすい◎▼知識は働きながら身に付くので コスメ好きもそうでない方も応募可!*.+─[ おしごと詳細 ]──+.* ●注文受付 ●キャンセル対応 ●配送内容の変更 ●各種お問い合わせ*.+────────────+.*#残業なし #駅チカ#未経験歓迎 #時短===~詳細は面談時にお伝えします~派遣先の特徴スキンケア用品をメインに製造・販売しています。最寄駅東海道線、東海道本線、御堂筋線/新大阪駅(徒歩5分)御堂筋線/西中島南方駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇シフト制就業時間9:45-17:00(実働6時間30分・休憩45分)
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\化粧品会社のカスタマーサービスのオシゴト/     ~未経験カンゲイ~ ▼メール7割、電話3割(受電メイン)▼6~7名ほどのチームで質問しやすい◎▼知識は働きながら身に付くので コスメ好きもそうでない方も応募可!*.+─[ おしごと詳細 ]──+.* ●注文受付 ●キャンセル対応 ●配送内容の変更 ●各種お問い合わせ*.+────────────+.*#残業なし #駅チカ#未経験歓迎 #時短===~詳細は面談時にお伝えします~派遣先の特徴スキンケア用品をメインに製造・販売しています。最寄駅東海道線、東海道本線、御堂筋線/新大阪駅(徒歩5分)御堂筋線/西中島南方駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇シフト制就業時間9:45-17:00(実働6時間30分・休憩45分)
    • järfälla, stockholms län
    • permanent
    Redovisningsekonom till Team ET Är du en duktig redovisningsekonom som även har god kunskap inom löneadministration? Är du ansvarstagande och bra på att strukturera, planera och samarbeta? Hos oss på Team ET välkomnas du till en verksamhet som präglas av högt engagemang, gemenskap och samarbete.Som redovisningsekonom blir du en viktig del av ekonomiavdelningen på Team ET. Gruppen består av tre kollegor som tillsammans hanterar all redovisning för koncernen
    Redovisningsekonom till Team ET Är du en duktig redovisningsekonom som även har god kunskap inom löneadministration? Är du ansvarstagande och bra på att strukturera, planera och samarbeta? Hos oss på Team ET välkomnas du till en verksamhet som präglas av högt engagemang, gemenskap och samarbete.Som redovisningsekonom blir du en viktig del av ekonomiavdelningen på Team ET. Gruppen består av tre kollegor som tillsammans hanterar all redovisning för koncernen
    • leicester, leicestershire
    • contract
    • £340 - £360 per day
    Job Description:We are seeking a skilled and dedicated Sub Agent to join our team for an exciting water project. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution and delivery of the project, working closely with the project management team and subcontractors.Responsibilities:Assist the Senior Agent in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the water project.Coordinate with subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders
    Job Description:We are seeking a skilled and dedicated Sub Agent to join our team for an exciting water project. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution and delivery of the project, working closely with the project management team and subcontractors.Responsibilities:Assist the Senior Agent in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the water project.Coordinate with subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders
    • barrie, ontario
    • permanent
    Are you a Millwright 433 A in the Barrie area or moving to the area?"Unlock Your Potential as a Millwright: Lucrative Career Awaits!Join our dynamic team as a Millwright and embark on a journey of endless opportunities. With competitive pay and a promising career path, you’ll be part of a vital industry that powers progress.The pay rate to start is $44.19 + after 3 months $48.38 All employees that follow a Continental Shift get 4 hours of OT full 100 % pa
    Are you a Millwright 433 A in the Barrie area or moving to the area?"Unlock Your Potential as a Millwright: Lucrative Career Awaits!Join our dynamic team as a Millwright and embark on a journey of endless opportunities. With competitive pay and a promising career path, you’ll be part of a vital industry that powers progress.The pay rate to start is $44.19 + after 3 months $48.38 All employees that follow a Continental Shift get 4 hours of OT full 100 % pa
    • stoke-on-trent, staffordshire
    • permanent
    • £30,000 - £45,000 per year, £300 refer a friend bonus
    Exciting Opportunity for a Qualified Primary Teacher to Join a modern SEN School in Stoke-On-Trent.Join the team at this modern School, where innovation meets care for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities!Position: Inspirational SEN TeacherLocation: StokeContract: Full-time, Fixed Term (up to 12 months)Hours: 40 hours per weekSalary: Competitive (M1 - UPS2)About The School: This school is dedicated to providing exceptio
    Exciting Opportunity for a Qualified Primary Teacher to Join a modern SEN School in Stoke-On-Trent.Join the team at this modern School, where innovation meets care for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities!Position: Inspirational SEN TeacherLocation: StokeContract: Full-time, Fixed Term (up to 12 months)Hours: 40 hours per weekSalary: Competitive (M1 - UPS2)About The School: This school is dedicated to providing exceptio
    • concord, ontario
    • permanent
    The IS Applications Lead is responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance of allsoftware applicationsand local ERPs through best practices among the different countries in Americas division.The IS Applications Lead is also responsible for planning, design, development, and deployment of informationand software systems for business operations.This position will collaborate with Group, Americas IS/IT team and local IS partners to ensure effective
    The IS Applications Lead is responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance of allsoftware applicationsand local ERPs through best practices among the different countries in Americas division.The IS Applications Lead is also responsible for planning, design, development, and deployment of informationand software systems for business operations.This position will collaborate with Group, Americas IS/IT team and local IS partners to ensure effective
    • windsor
    • contract
    • £37.00 - £38.00 per hour
    Are you looking to make a difference in Children's lives? Do you have social work experience of working within children's services? Achieving for Children in Windsor are looking for Social Workers to join their fostering team. This is a full time role which is 36 hours per week working across 5 days per week. Pay is dependant on experience based within specs of London Pledge. Benefits of working for Randstad as a Social Worker:- Competitive rates of pay -
    Are you looking to make a difference in Children's lives? Do you have social work experience of working within children's services? Achieving for Children in Windsor are looking for Social Workers to join their fostering team. This is a full time role which is 36 hours per week working across 5 days per week. Pay is dependant on experience based within specs of London Pledge. Benefits of working for Randstad as a Social Worker:- Competitive rates of pay -
    • trois-rivières, québec
    • permanent
    • $100,000 - $120,000 per year
    Vous êtes reconnu pour votre leadership et vous souhaitez faire la différence au sein d'une entreprise qui valorisera votre opinion ! Cette opportunité de contrôleur à Trois-Rivières est toute désignée pour vous. Notre client est à la recherche d'un(e) contrôleur qui saura les épauler dans les opérations quotidiennes et qui grandira avec l'organisation.Avantages- Salaire selon expérience et qualification- Assurances- REER collectif - Bonne possibilité d'év
    Vous êtes reconnu pour votre leadership et vous souhaitez faire la différence au sein d'une entreprise qui valorisera votre opinion ! Cette opportunité de contrôleur à Trois-Rivières est toute désignée pour vous. Notre client est à la recherche d'un(e) contrôleur qui saura les épauler dans les opérations quotidiennes et qui grandira avec l'organisation.Avantages- Salaire selon expérience et qualification- Assurances- REER collectif - Bonne possibilité d'év
    • dunbar
    • temp to perm
    • £11.44 - £12.82 per hour
    Are you an experienced Cleaner with commercial experience? Are you looking for a company to offer up skilling and training?Randstad C&P are working with a well-renowned facilities management company, who are seeking experienced Cleaners who have worked within the facilities management/ commercial buildings, carrying out all cleaning tasks on site. This is a temporary opportunity that could lead to a permanent position, based in Dunbar25 hours per week - M
    Are you an experienced Cleaner with commercial experience? Are you looking for a company to offer up skilling and training?Randstad C&P are working with a well-renowned facilities management company, who are seeking experienced Cleaners who have worked within the facilities management/ commercial buildings, carrying out all cleaning tasks on site. This is a temporary opportunity that could lead to a permanent position, based in Dunbar25 hours per week - M
    • oslo, oslo
    • permanent
    Over en halv million mennesker bor i et boligselskap som er forvaltet av OBOS. Vi jobber med å gjøre livet som eier, beboer og styremedlem best mulig. OBOS utvider stadig sin digitale verktøykasse for å skape nye muligheter, og vi trenger din hjelp!I Digitale kundetjenester, en del av Divisjon IT og digital, får du en nøkkelrolle i utviklingen av våre kundesentrerte tjenester. Dette inkluderer viktige verktøy som Styrerommet, Vibbo, OBOS-appen og nettsiden
    Over en halv million mennesker bor i et boligselskap som er forvaltet av OBOS. Vi jobber med å gjøre livet som eier, beboer og styremedlem best mulig. OBOS utvider stadig sin digitale verktøykasse for å skape nye muligheter, og vi trenger din hjelp!I Digitale kundetjenester, en del av Divisjon IT og digital, får du en nøkkelrolle i utviklingen av våre kundesentrerte tjenester. Dette inkluderer viktige verktøy som Styrerommet, Vibbo, OBOS-appen og nettsiden
    • wakefield, west yorkshire
    • temporary
    • £17.26 per hour
    Job title: Plumber with commercial experience Pay rate: £17.26 an hour Location: Wakefield Contract: Temporary, 40 hours a week Main duties will include:Conducting regular upkeep on plumbing systems, encompassing examinations, fixes, and installations.Working on air handling units and pumps.Identifying plumbing problems and offering proficient and practical solutions.Addressing plumbing emergencies promptly and resolving them with efficiency.Working collab
    Job title: Plumber with commercial experience Pay rate: £17.26 an hour Location: Wakefield Contract: Temporary, 40 hours a week Main duties will include:Conducting regular upkeep on plumbing systems, encompassing examinations, fixes, and installations.Working on air handling units and pumps.Identifying plumbing problems and offering proficient and practical solutions.Addressing plumbing emergencies promptly and resolving them with efficiency.Working collab
    • são paulo, são paulo
    • permanent
    Randstad em parceria com AON contrataEstamos em busca de talentos incríveis para integrar a equipe de excelência da AON! Junte-se a nós!Na Aon, contribuímos para moldar decisões empresariais para melhor.Acreditamos que as empresas alcançam o sucesso quando as comunidades que atendem e as pessoas que empregam também prosperam.Trabalhamos lado a lado com nossos clientes, oferecendo aconselhamento e soluções que proporcionam clareza e confiança para que possa
    Randstad em parceria com AON contrataEstamos em busca de talentos incríveis para integrar a equipe de excelência da AON! Junte-se a nós!Na Aon, contribuímos para moldar decisões empresariais para melhor.Acreditamos que as empresas alcançam o sucesso quando as comunidades que atendem e as pessoas que empregam também prosperam.Trabalhamos lado a lado com nossos clientes, oferecendo aconselhamento e soluções que proporcionam clareza e confiança para que possa
    • steyning, west sussex
    • contract
    • £80 - £85 per day, £300 refer a friend bonus!
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    • steyning, west sussex
    • contract
    • £80 - £85 per day, £300 refer a friend bonus!
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    • wakefield, west yorkshire
    • permanent
    • £35,000 - £36,000 per year
    Job Title: Maintenance ElectricianLocation: WakefieldSalary: £36,000Working Hours: 38.75 hours per week (Monday to Friday 8.30 - 16.30)Are you a time served Maintenance Electrician with experience working within commercial environments? Are you seeking a new and challenging career move to a national organisation?Randstad Solutions are working with a well established Facilities Management organisation who are looking for a qualified electrician to join thei
    Job Title: Maintenance ElectricianLocation: WakefieldSalary: £36,000Working Hours: 38.75 hours per week (Monday to Friday 8.30 - 16.30)Are you a time served Maintenance Electrician with experience working within commercial environments? Are you seeking a new and challenging career move to a national organisation?Randstad Solutions are working with a well established Facilities Management organisation who are looking for a qualified electrician to join thei
    • steyning, west sussex
    • contract
    • £80 - £85 per day, £300 refer a friend bonus!
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    • nottingham, nottinghamshire
    • temp to perm
    • £18.22 per hour
    Job title: Electrical Engineer Pay rate: £18.22 an hour | £38,000 per annumLocation: Nottingham, NG15 area Contract: Temporary with potential for permanent, Monday - Friday, 40 hours a week Job Description:Electrical PPMs and reactive maintenance.Prepare and utilise Method Statements and Risk Assessments for all tasks to ensure safe working practices.Ensure a Safe and Healthy working environment, including adherence to uniform and Personal Protective Equi
    Job title: Electrical Engineer Pay rate: £18.22 an hour | £38,000 per annumLocation: Nottingham, NG15 area Contract: Temporary with potential for permanent, Monday - Friday, 40 hours a week Job Description:Electrical PPMs and reactive maintenance.Prepare and utilise Method Statements and Risk Assessments for all tasks to ensure safe working practices.Ensure a Safe and Healthy working environment, including adherence to uniform and Personal Protective Equi
    • london, greater london
    • permanent
    • £42,000 - £45,000 per year
    Location: Static site - North London.Contract: Permanent role - Shift pattern. 4 on / 4 off - Days and Nights ResponsibilitiesAs a Multi Skilled Maintenance Engineer, you'll be working within the Maintenance team, supporting them in planned and reactive maintenance across the site.Your day to day will include:Fabric, Electrical and Mechanical maintenance across a static site.HVAC / Air con maintenanceGeneral maintenance and repairsAll aspects of PPM and re
    Location: Static site - North London.Contract: Permanent role - Shift pattern. 4 on / 4 off - Days and Nights ResponsibilitiesAs a Multi Skilled Maintenance Engineer, you'll be working within the Maintenance team, supporting them in planned and reactive maintenance across the site.Your day to day will include:Fabric, Electrical and Mechanical maintenance across a static site.HVAC / Air con maintenanceGeneral maintenance and repairsAll aspects of PPM and re
    • henfield, west sussex
    • contract
    • £80 - £85 per day, £300 refer a friend bonus!
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    • henfield, west sussex
    • contract
    • £80 - £85 per day, £300 refer a friend bonus!
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    • benschop, utrecht
    • temporary
    Het verbeteren en optimaliseren zit jou in het bloed! Als Process Engineer bij Terberg Benschop ben je daar continu mee bezig; en ook met het beheer van productie- en assemblagefaciliteiten. Je houdt je bezig met continu verbeteren en efficiënt inrichten van de assemblage processen van de chassisbouw. Dit gebeurt met een projectmatige aanpak, waarbij het gaat om:efficiency van de flowintroductie van nieuwe voertuigenverbetering van productiekwaliteitimplem
    Het verbeteren en optimaliseren zit jou in het bloed! Als Process Engineer bij Terberg Benschop ben je daar continu mee bezig; en ook met het beheer van productie- en assemblagefaciliteiten. Je houdt je bezig met continu verbeteren en efficiënt inrichten van de assemblage processen van de chassisbouw. Dit gebeurt met een projectmatige aanpak, waarbij het gaat om:efficiency van de flowintroductie van nieuwe voertuigenverbetering van productiekwaliteitimplem
    • gosport, hampshire
    • temporary
    • £12.00 - £13.00 per hour, + Package
    Position Overview: We are currently looking for a detail-oriented and organised Administrative Assistant for 4 weeks to support our team working on a kitchen contract. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in coordinating administrative tasks, ensuring efficient communication, and contributing to the overall success of the project.Responsibilities:Documentation Management:Maintain accurate and up-to-date project documentation.Organise and file
    Position Overview: We are currently looking for a detail-oriented and organised Administrative Assistant for 4 weeks to support our team working on a kitchen contract. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in coordinating administrative tasks, ensuring efficient communication, and contributing to the overall success of the project.Responsibilities:Documentation Management:Maintain accurate and up-to-date project documentation.Organise and file
    • henfield, west sussex
    • contract
    • £80 - £85 per day, £300 refer a friend bonus!
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
    Teaching assistants play a crucial role in guiding students toward success, rather than just addressing their learning gaps.Do you have experience in a classroom or childcare setting?Have you helped students achieve their goals in educational environments?Do you think you could excel in the dynamic atmosphere of a school?If so, keep reading!Randstad is partnering with outstanding local schools to find enthusiastic individuals eager to develop their skills
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