Download the case study on IBM‘s ongoing employer branding success.

“Talent keeps our thinking fresh and so we need to keep our employer brand fresh to attract it. The pipeline of talent includes both our employees and the partners within our ecosystem,” says Pilar Pons, IBM HR Leader for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel.

The Randstad Employer Brand Research shows IBM Spain is very attractive to 25-44-year-olds, whom Ms Pons indicates are key to their talent acquisition strategy. IBM is highly effective in sustaining its appeal to millennials, so how does the company keep its employer brand so fresh?","pageTitl… example | Randstad BlueX Core","source":"FormsNext-static-3.506","timestamp":1591352927551,"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36","originalEmbedContext":{"portalId":"481927","formId":"a1eb53d1-ebe4-414b-a5e0-8df2fb8d6b9a","target":"#hubSpotForm"},"boolCheckBoxFields":"LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_345718","redirectUrl":"…{"email":{"valid":false,"errors":["Please complete this required field."],"errorTypes":["REQUIRED_FIELD"]}},"formTarget":"#hubSpotForm","correlationId":"fbca09f7-2b8f-4ada-a142-0207dc4c9659"}" data-reactid=".hbspt-forms-0.7">