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    • 東京都千代田区, 東京都
    • temporary
    • ¥1700.00 per hour
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容日々のヘルプデスクなどの業務の中で《もっとITに詳しくなりたい》と思ったなら、こちらの現場がおススメ♪今までの経験を活かしながらレベルアップが出来る!日本最大キャリアを支えるインフラ知識を初歩から覚えられるので、インフラエンジニアを目指す第一歩を踏み出すことができるんです★▼▼▼大手町のデータセンター内にて下記の業務をお任せ!・サーバ監視、ネットワーク監視・サーバ復旧作業、NW復旧作業・アテンド業務、・サーバ設置、移設、撤去、サーバルームの環境維持 など奮ってのご応募をお待ちしております♪派遣先の特徴<<紹介予定派遣>> ★大手IT企業 ★交通費支給 ★社会保険完備 ★残業なし最寄駅丸ノ内線、千代田線、東西線、半蔵門線、三田線/大手町(東京都)駅(徒歩5分)丸ノ内線、横須賀線、京浜東北線、京葉線、山手線、総武本線、中央線、中央本線、東海道線/東京駅(徒歩5分)千代田線/二重橋前駅(徒歩10分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)9
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容日々のヘルプデスクなどの業務の中で《もっとITに詳しくなりたい》と思ったなら、こちらの現場がおススメ♪今までの経験を活かしながらレベルアップが出来る!日本最大キャリアを支えるインフラ知識を初歩から覚えられるので、インフラエンジニアを目指す第一歩を踏み出すことができるんです★▼▼▼大手町のデータセンター内にて下記の業務をお任せ!・サーバ監視、ネットワーク監視・サーバ復旧作業、NW復旧作業・アテンド業務、・サーバ設置、移設、撤去、サーバルームの環境維持 など奮ってのご応募をお待ちしております♪派遣先の特徴<<紹介予定派遣>> ★大手IT企業 ★交通費支給 ★社会保険完備 ★残業なし最寄駅丸ノ内線、千代田線、東西線、半蔵門線、三田線/大手町(東京都)駅(徒歩5分)丸ノ内線、横須賀線、京浜東北線、京葉線、山手線、総武本線、中央線、中央本線、東海道線/東京駅(徒歩5分)千代田線/二重橋前駅(徒歩10分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)9
    • 神奈川県川崎市高津区, 神奈川県
    • temporary
    • ¥1750.00 per hour
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容< 電話応対の経験者!注目☆彡 >コール経験を活かしつつ、< ITの基礎知識 >を身につけることができるから、今後も需要の高いIT業界でのキャリアアップが可能☆他に6名程仲間がいるので、いつでも何でも聞ける雰囲気なのもおススメポイントです!マニュアルも完備されていて安心♪▼▼▼ハードウェア故障受付窓口としての< ヘルプデスク >をお任せ!PC・サーバ・端末など、その他幅広い機種のハードウェア修理の受付をお願いします!これまでの電話応対から、ITがらみのテクニカルな質問に答えるようになるので、自然と< IT知識 >が身につくんです☆ IT知識が身につけば、< 選べるお仕事も増える >派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅東急田園都市線/溝の口駅(バス5分)南武線/武蔵溝ノ口駅(バス5分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)8:00-16:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-17:30(実働7時間
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容< 電話応対の経験者!注目☆彡 >コール経験を活かしつつ、< ITの基礎知識 >を身につけることができるから、今後も需要の高いIT業界でのキャリアアップが可能☆他に6名程仲間がいるので、いつでも何でも聞ける雰囲気なのもおススメポイントです!マニュアルも完備されていて安心♪▼▼▼ハードウェア故障受付窓口としての< ヘルプデスク >をお任せ!PC・サーバ・端末など、その他幅広い機種のハードウェア修理の受付をお願いします!これまでの電話応対から、ITがらみのテクニカルな質問に答えるようになるので、自然と< IT知識 >が身につくんです☆ IT知識が身につけば、< 選べるお仕事も増える >派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅東急田園都市線/溝の口駅(バス5分)南武線/武蔵溝ノ口駅(バス5分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)8:00-16:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-17:30(実働7時間
    • 東京都港区, 東京都
    • temporary
    • ¥1750.00 per hour
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容【 ご経験、スキルは一切問いません! 】 ご担当いただくのは、大手IT企業のサーバー監視*マニュアルに沿って《 監視データの収集 》を、手順書通りにするだけ*8名体制の現場で、フォロー体制が整っているので無理なく業務に慣れていけます!知識や技術は働いているうちに自然と身に付くので、未経験からでもバリバリ活躍できる!弊社メンバーも働いているので仲間と共に頑張れます♪▼夜勤がある分、出勤は月11~14日と少なめ。《 交通費+深夜手当 》を支給いたしますので、効率よく稼げるのに将来の幅が広がる《 ITの仕事 》はジョブチェンジ成功の鍵*さらに!次は《 IT職経験者 》としてお仕事を選べる!派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅京急本線、横須賀線、京浜東北線、山手線、東海道線/品川駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)17:00-10:00(実働16時間00分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容【 ご経験、スキルは一切問いません! 】 ご担当いただくのは、大手IT企業のサーバー監視*マニュアルに沿って《 監視データの収集 》を、手順書通りにするだけ*8名体制の現場で、フォロー体制が整っているので無理なく業務に慣れていけます!知識や技術は働いているうちに自然と身に付くので、未経験からでもバリバリ活躍できる!弊社メンバーも働いているので仲間と共に頑張れます♪▼夜勤がある分、出勤は月11~14日と少なめ。《 交通費+深夜手当 》を支給いたしますので、効率よく稼げるのに将来の幅が広がる《 ITの仕事 》はジョブチェンジ成功の鍵*さらに!次は《 IT職経験者 》としてお仕事を選べる!派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅京急本線、横須賀線、京浜東北線、山手線、東海道線/品川駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)17:00-10:00(実働16時間00分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休
    • 東京都武蔵野市, 東京都
    • temporary
    • ¥1700.00 per hour
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容<< 気分を変えてリフレッシュ* >> 室内でモクモクと作業をしているより外出が好き&車の運転がお好きなら特におススメ♪【 運転免許 】が活かせる《 フィールドエンジニア 》に挑戦しませんか? ITパスポートやCCNAなどの資格知識も活かせます!お任せするのは《 一都三県エリア 》の個人クリニックなどに設置しているIT機器の点検作業! まずは先輩に同行して業務を少しずつ覚えていきましょう*▼▼▼ ・ネットワーク環境ヒアリング、故障内容の受付 ・機器の設定業務 ・作業員への指示出し(配置の仕方、設定の仕方など) ・現地での機器導入、入れ替え作業奮ってのご応募をお待ちしてます♪派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅中央線/武蔵小金井駅(徒歩15分)休日休暇土日祝日土日祝日休み(完全週休2日制)※月曜~金曜までの週5日勤務となります就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業残業:月20時間以内交通費※【 上限4万まで
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容<< 気分を変えてリフレッシュ* >> 室内でモクモクと作業をしているより外出が好き&車の運転がお好きなら特におススメ♪【 運転免許 】が活かせる《 フィールドエンジニア 》に挑戦しませんか? ITパスポートやCCNAなどの資格知識も活かせます!お任せするのは《 一都三県エリア 》の個人クリニックなどに設置しているIT機器の点検作業! まずは先輩に同行して業務を少しずつ覚えていきましょう*▼▼▼ ・ネットワーク環境ヒアリング、故障内容の受付 ・機器の設定業務 ・作業員への指示出し(配置の仕方、設定の仕方など) ・現地での機器導入、入れ替え作業奮ってのご応募をお待ちしてます♪派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅中央線/武蔵小金井駅(徒歩15分)休日休暇土日祝日土日祝日休み(完全週休2日制)※月曜~金曜までの週5日勤務となります就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業残業:月20時間以内交通費※【 上限4万まで
    • 東京都千代田区, 東京都
    • temporary
    • ¥1700.00 per hour
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容こちらの現場は、今活躍されている方のほとんどが未経験からスタートされているので、異業種からでもIT業界で手に職を付けられる環境が整っています!また、《 紹介予定派遣 》なので、安定就業も叶られるチャンス!さらに!!次は《 インフラ経験者 》としてお仕事を選べるから、長い目でみると大幅な収入アップに直結します!▼▼▼ご担当頂くのは、大型コンピューターの《 モニタリング 》のお仕事! システムが問題なく動いているか《 画面を確認 》し、エラーが出たらマニュアルに沿ってコマンドを入力するだけ! 知識や技術は働いているうちに自然と身に付くので、気づいたらあなたも立派なインフラエンジニアに!派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅日比谷線、京浜東北線、山手線、総武線、つくばエクスプレス/秋葉原駅(徒歩4分)銀座線/末広町(東京都)駅(徒歩5分)山手線/御徒町駅(徒歩9分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)9:00-20:30(実働10
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容こちらの現場は、今活躍されている方のほとんどが未経験からスタートされているので、異業種からでもIT業界で手に職を付けられる環境が整っています!また、《 紹介予定派遣 》なので、安定就業も叶られるチャンス!さらに!!次は《 インフラ経験者 》としてお仕事を選べるから、長い目でみると大幅な収入アップに直結します!▼▼▼ご担当頂くのは、大型コンピューターの《 モニタリング 》のお仕事! システムが問題なく動いているか《 画面を確認 》し、エラーが出たらマニュアルに沿ってコマンドを入力するだけ! 知識や技術は働いているうちに自然と身に付くので、気づいたらあなたも立派なインフラエンジニアに!派遣先の特徴★交通費支給★社会保険完備最寄駅日比谷線、京浜東北線、山手線、総武線、つくばエクスプレス/秋葉原駅(徒歩4分)銀座線/末広町(東京都)駅(徒歩5分)山手線/御徒町駅(徒歩9分)休日休暇シフト制シフトに準ずる(週2~3日休み)就業時間(1)9:00-20:30(実働10
    • auckland, auckland
    • contract
    About the Role:We are currently looking for a Content Specialist (AEM) to help shape the digital presence of a well-recognized organization operating across AU/NZ. Start date planned for June 2024. Being part of a cross-functional team, you will help develop and oversee the content strategy, ensuring engaging digital assets across various touchpoints and brands.Responsibilities Include:Manage digital production BAU operations, ensuring timely content publi
    About the Role:We are currently looking for a Content Specialist (AEM) to help shape the digital presence of a well-recognized organization operating across AU/NZ. Start date planned for June 2024. Being part of a cross-functional team, you will help develop and oversee the content strategy, ensuring engaging digital assets across various touchpoints and brands.Responsibilities Include:Manage digital production BAU operations, ensuring timely content publi
    • tigery, île-de-france
    • interim
    • €11.65 - €11.66 per hour
    descriptif du posteQuelle serait votre contribution en tant qu'agent administratif (F/H) au sein de cette entreprise ?Au cœur du fonctionnement d'une structure administrative, vous aurez l'opportunité de travailler en toute autonomie en assurant des tâches diversifiées.- Exécuter des travaux administratifs courants : vérification de documents, suivi de dossier administratifs selon l'organisation du service.- Réceptionner les différents documents de retrait
    descriptif du posteQuelle serait votre contribution en tant qu'agent administratif (F/H) au sein de cette entreprise ?Au cœur du fonctionnement d'une structure administrative, vous aurez l'opportunité de travailler en toute autonomie en assurant des tâches diversifiées.- Exécuter des travaux administratifs courants : vérification de documents, suivi de dossier administratifs selon l'organisation du service.- Réceptionner les différents documents de retrait
    • amsterdam, noord-holland
    • temp to perm
    Voor Waternet zijn wij opzoek naar een tweedelijns Servicedesk medewerker binnen het team Service Werklek. Het team Service Werkplek is verantwoordelijk voor de juiste en veilige werking van Waternet devices, die worden gebruikt door collega’s. Denk hierbij aan laptops, mobiele telefoons, thin clients, dockingstations, (non)multifunctionals en narrowcastingsystemen. Collega’s worden ondersteund in het gebruik door het oplossen van storingen en afhandelen v
    Voor Waternet zijn wij opzoek naar een tweedelijns Servicedesk medewerker binnen het team Service Werklek. Het team Service Werkplek is verantwoordelijk voor de juiste en veilige werking van Waternet devices, die worden gebruikt door collega’s. Denk hierbij aan laptops, mobiele telefoons, thin clients, dockingstations, (non)multifunctionals en narrowcastingsystemen. Collega’s worden ondersteund in het gebruik door het oplossen van storingen en afhandelen v
    • sens, bourgogne-franche-comté
    • permanent
    • €25,000 - €30,000 per year
    descriptif du posteEn relation étroite avec l'équipe de développement et le chef de projet, vous avez pour mission principale l'intégration HTML/CSS des sites webréalisés par l'agence. A partir des maquettes déjà établies, vous procédez à leur transformation en pages navigables, avec CSS3, l'HTML5, Bootstrap et jQuery. Vous êtes le garant du respect des normes W3C et des normes d'accessibilité des sites web réalisés.Travail du lundi au vendredi 9h-12h 14h-
    descriptif du posteEn relation étroite avec l'équipe de développement et le chef de projet, vous avez pour mission principale l'intégration HTML/CSS des sites webréalisés par l'agence. A partir des maquettes déjà établies, vous procédez à leur transformation en pages navigables, avec CSS3, l'HTML5, Bootstrap et jQuery. Vous êtes le garant du respect des normes W3C et des normes d'accessibilité des sites web réalisés.Travail du lundi au vendredi 9h-12h 14h-
    • sens cedex, bourgogne-franche-comté
    • permanent
    • €25,000 - €30,000 per year
    descriptif du posteSous la responsabilité de votre directeur et en étroite collaboration avec le chef de projets, votre mission principale sera de mettre en place, de la configuration, du développement à la maintenance des serveurs des différents sites web à partir des systèmes de gestion de contenu de type wordpress et drupal. Vous serez en charge de déployer les modules spécifiques en PHP pour Wordpress et Framework, et Symfony ppur Drupal.Travail du lun
    descriptif du posteSous la responsabilité de votre directeur et en étroite collaboration avec le chef de projets, votre mission principale sera de mettre en place, de la configuration, du développement à la maintenance des serveurs des différents sites web à partir des systèmes de gestion de contenu de type wordpress et drupal. Vous serez en charge de déployer les modules spécifiques en PHP pour Wordpress et Framework, et Symfony ppur Drupal.Travail du lun
    • 広島県広島市南区, 広島県
    • temporary
    • ¥2100.00 per hour
    職種OAインストラクター・ITインストラクター勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容《思い出いっぱいの場所、高校でインストラクター!》⇒複数の高校を回るから、面白い!青春を思い出しながら、お仕事できます!お願いするのは、【学校の先生】向けICT支援業務!具体的には、パソコンや周辺機器、ソフトの使用方法をレクチャーします♪その他にも学校の情報授業に参加し、サポートを行います!学校に行かない時間帯は、本社に戻って資料の作成やかんたんな事務処理をお願いします!<時間帯>8:30~16:45の間、学校でインストラクター<その他>公共交通機関での移動となります※交通費全額支給平均年齢は30~40代くらい!落ち着いた職場の雰囲気です!奮ってご応募くださいね♪派遣先の特徴<< 学校で働く >>★ITパスポート★資格活かす★高等学校で働く★ICT支援★交通費全額支給★社会保険完備最寄駅広島駅駅(徒歩4分)広島駅猿猴橋町駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間8:30-17:15(実働7時間45分・休憩60分)残業
    職種OAインストラクター・ITインストラクター勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容《思い出いっぱいの場所、高校でインストラクター!》⇒複数の高校を回るから、面白い!青春を思い出しながら、お仕事できます!お願いするのは、【学校の先生】向けICT支援業務!具体的には、パソコンや周辺機器、ソフトの使用方法をレクチャーします♪その他にも学校の情報授業に参加し、サポートを行います!学校に行かない時間帯は、本社に戻って資料の作成やかんたんな事務処理をお願いします!<時間帯>8:30~16:45の間、学校でインストラクター<その他>公共交通機関での移動となります※交通費全額支給平均年齢は30~40代くらい!落ち着いた職場の雰囲気です!奮ってご応募くださいね♪派遣先の特徴<< 学校で働く >>★ITパスポート★資格活かす★高等学校で働く★ICT支援★交通費全額支給★社会保険完備最寄駅広島駅駅(徒歩4分)広島駅猿猴橋町駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間8:30-17:15(実働7時間45分・休憩60分)残業
    • singapore
    • permanent
    • S$4,500 - S$5,500 per month
    100% onsite roleNAV experience is a mustStrategic work locationabout the companyMy client provides an extensive selection of vehicles available for both short-term and long-term rentals. Their primary focus is on delivering convenient and adaptable mobility options, addressing the varied needs of individuals, businesses, and corporate entities. about the jobParticipate in developing, improving, and tailoring the NAV environment.Adapt system configurations
    100% onsite roleNAV experience is a mustStrategic work locationabout the companyMy client provides an extensive selection of vehicles available for both short-term and long-term rentals. Their primary focus is on delivering convenient and adaptable mobility options, addressing the varied needs of individuals, businesses, and corporate entities. about the jobParticipate in developing, improving, and tailoring the NAV environment.Adapt system configurations
    • poitiers, nouvelle-aquitaine
    • interim
    • €11.65 per hour
    descriptif du posteVos principales missions seront de : Mettre en forme la mousse à partir d'un modèle, de plans et de spécifications.Découpe et mise en forme par ponçage des mousses selon le modèle et/ou le design.Réalisation des gabarits housses et moussesGainage de différents éléments structurels.Houssage de sièges (assises, dossiers)profil recherchéAu delà de vos compétences, c'est surtout votre envie d'intégrer une société de prestige qui fera la diff
    descriptif du posteVos principales missions seront de : Mettre en forme la mousse à partir d'un modèle, de plans et de spécifications.Découpe et mise en forme par ponçage des mousses selon le modèle et/ou le design.Réalisation des gabarits housses et moussesGainage de différents éléments structurels.Houssage de sièges (assises, dossiers)profil recherchéAu delà de vos compétences, c'est surtout votre envie d'intégrer une société de prestige qui fera la diff
    • tigery, île-de-france
    • interim
    • €2,200 per month
    descriptif du posteRattaché au Responsable Comptabilité, vous traitez toutes les opérations relatives à la comptabilité fournisseurs :- Enregistrement des opérations comptables liées aux clients, fournisseurs, banques & NDF sur le logiciel de comptabilité- Suivi et relance des factures clients, comptabilisation des factures, lettrage et justification des comptes auxiliaires- Participation aux clôtures comptables- Rapprochements bancaires- Saisie des immobi
    descriptif du posteRattaché au Responsable Comptabilité, vous traitez toutes les opérations relatives à la comptabilité fournisseurs :- Enregistrement des opérations comptables liées aux clients, fournisseurs, banques & NDF sur le logiciel de comptabilité- Suivi et relance des factures clients, comptabilisation des factures, lettrage et justification des comptes auxiliaires- Participation aux clôtures comptables- Rapprochements bancaires- Saisie des immobi
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM10,000 - RM18,000 per year, attractive package, work-life balance
    about the companyYour future employer specializes in a wide array of digital solutions, including E-commerce, Web Application Development, Analytics, IoT, Mobile App Development, DevOps, Testing, Blockchain, Infrastructure as Code, and Data Collection. Join them in revolutionizing the digital world.about the jobBuild well-designed, well-engineered, stable, and scalable products.Follow software design best practices such as continuous integration, test-driv
    about the companyYour future employer specializes in a wide array of digital solutions, including E-commerce, Web Application Development, Analytics, IoT, Mobile App Development, DevOps, Testing, Blockchain, Infrastructure as Code, and Data Collection. Join them in revolutionizing the digital world.about the jobBuild well-designed, well-engineered, stable, and scalable products.Follow software design best practices such as continuous integration, test-driv
    • singapore
    • permanent
    About the roleDevelop and implement quality procedures and protocols for the team.Oversee GIS network data integrity, which includes security, accuracy, and management of software and database schema.Utilize Schneider ArcFM and Esri ArcMap to craft and optimize layouts for fiber optic networks.Manage the ingestion, updating, and maintenance of GIS databaseConduct spatial analysis and generate detailed reports to facilitate decision-making for network expan
    About the roleDevelop and implement quality procedures and protocols for the team.Oversee GIS network data integrity, which includes security, accuracy, and management of software and database schema.Utilize Schneider ArcFM and Esri ArcMap to craft and optimize layouts for fiber optic networks.Manage the ingestion, updating, and maintenance of GIS databaseConduct spatial analysis and generate detailed reports to facilitate decision-making for network expan
    • singapore
    • permanent
    • S$130,000 - S$170,000 per year
    about the role- Implement, maintain, and administer systems including Salesforce, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), SQLServers, and other applications hosted in an AWS environment.-Develop, implement, and maintain APIs to facilitate seamless integration andinteroperability between various systems- Monitor system performance and troubleshoot issues as needed-Develop and maintain system documentation and process manuals skills and experience required -
    about the role- Implement, maintain, and administer systems including Salesforce, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), SQLServers, and other applications hosted in an AWS environment.-Develop, implement, and maintain APIs to facilitate seamless integration andinteroperability between various systems- Monitor system performance and troubleshoot issues as needed-Develop and maintain system documentation and process manuals skills and experience required -
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM12,000 - RM18,000 per month
    about the companyA large company that has been in Malaysia for over 10 years is looking to expand their operations within Malaysia. This company offers everyday solutions to the everyday consumer. Through their growing demands and higher volume of projects, a vacancy for a Senior Project Manager has been created to support the global business. about the jobAs the Senior Project Manager, you will be responsible for leading enterprise-scale projects to enab
    about the companyA large company that has been in Malaysia for over 10 years is looking to expand their operations within Malaysia. This company offers everyday solutions to the everyday consumer. Through their growing demands and higher volume of projects, a vacancy for a Senior Project Manager has been created to support the global business. about the jobAs the Senior Project Manager, you will be responsible for leading enterprise-scale projects to enab
    • perth, western australia
    • contract
    This position is working for a reputable state department forming a crucial part of the IT function, joining immediately on multiple short term contracts.To be successful in this position, you will need to show experience in the following:ICT cyber security frameworks and knowledge of the Essential Eight cyber security controlsDigital change management such as improving data sharing, data reporting, and going paperlessTechnology One experience or project r
    This position is working for a reputable state department forming a crucial part of the IT function, joining immediately on multiple short term contracts.To be successful in this position, you will need to show experience in the following:ICT cyber security frameworks and knowledge of the Essential Eight cyber security controlsDigital change management such as improving data sharing, data reporting, and going paperlessTechnology One experience or project r
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Autonomy to make key decisionsEngagement with senior business stakeholdersAbout the companyOur Client is a market leader within their industry which has established strong partnerships across all markets and has been aggressively diversifying its business to grow its international presence. As part of their global expansion efforts, there is now an exciting opportunity for an experienced IT Analyst (.NET / Dotnet and Power Platform) to join them.About the
    Autonomy to make key decisionsEngagement with senior business stakeholdersAbout the companyOur Client is a market leader within their industry which has established strong partnerships across all markets and has been aggressively diversifying its business to grow its international presence. As part of their global expansion efforts, there is now an exciting opportunity for an experienced IT Analyst (.NET / Dotnet and Power Platform) to join them.About the
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Autonomy to make key decision relating to IT Services across the RegionTeam leadership roleAbout the company Our Client is an established MNC with offices across the globe. As part of their expansion plan in Singapore, they are now hiring for a IT Service Delivery Manager / IT Support Manager / Helpdesk Manager/ EUC Manager to join their team. About the jobReporting directly to the Global Head of IT, your role involves:Lead a team of IT Service Analysts,
    Autonomy to make key decision relating to IT Services across the RegionTeam leadership roleAbout the company Our Client is an established MNC with offices across the globe. As part of their expansion plan in Singapore, they are now hiring for a IT Service Delivery Manager / IT Support Manager / Helpdesk Manager/ EUC Manager to join their team. About the jobReporting directly to the Global Head of IT, your role involves:Lead a team of IT Service Analysts,
    • melbourne, victoria
    • contract
    Business Analyst is currently required for a 6-12 months contract to detail system requirements on a mission critical system development program of work, following the V model development methodology. To be successful in this position you will be a highly experienced Senior Business Analyst who has solid experience in determining systems requirements, on software development projects preferably in the data/reporting/BI or Service Now space. Excellent
    Business Analyst is currently required for a 6-12 months contract to detail system requirements on a mission critical system development program of work, following the V model development methodology. To be successful in this position you will be a highly experienced Senior Business Analyst who has solid experience in determining systems requirements, on software development projects preferably in the data/reporting/BI or Service Now space. Excellent
    • melbourne, victoria
    • permanent
    • AU$145,000 - AU$155,000 per year, 10% bonus
    Senior Analyst - Data Quality$145k - $155k inc. Super + BonusPermanent OpportunityHybrid - 3 days in officeSeeking a passionate, solution focused Data Quality Senior Analyst to be hands on working with technical and business groups to standardise, enhance and introduce data qualitiy solutions.*Please note, this role requires the successful candidate to hold current Australian CitizenshipKey Responsibilities:Analysis, design, document and maintain data qual
    Senior Analyst - Data Quality$145k - $155k inc. Super + BonusPermanent OpportunityHybrid - 3 days in officeSeeking a passionate, solution focused Data Quality Senior Analyst to be hands on working with technical and business groups to standardise, enhance and introduce data qualitiy solutions.*Please note, this role requires the successful candidate to hold current Australian CitizenshipKey Responsibilities:Analysis, design, document and maintain data qual
    • melbourne, victoria
    • contract
    • AU$550 - AU$600 per day, + Super
    Business Analyst Come work for a Federal Government agency on a 12 month contract , this position is a team membership position within the organisation and has a concurrent requirement to resolve issues and risks across a broad range of activities of substantial depth involving significant detail and to provide support to the team leadership of their work area in the planning and coordination of the team.Roles Responsibilities Identifying and documenting c
    Business Analyst Come work for a Federal Government agency on a 12 month contract , this position is a team membership position within the organisation and has a concurrent requirement to resolve issues and risks across a broad range of activities of substantial depth involving significant detail and to provide support to the team leadership of their work area in the planning and coordination of the team.Roles Responsibilities Identifying and documenting c
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Exposure to latest technology (Azure)Concrete project timelineAbout the company Our Client is one of the most established end user company within their industry. With rapid expansion plan, they are now looking for a new Regional Senior IT Engineer / IT Lead APAC to join their team. About the job Reporting directly to the IT Manager, your role involves:Providing IT support to end-users across APAC, this includes help desk support, system administration,
    Exposure to latest technology (Azure)Concrete project timelineAbout the company Our Client is one of the most established end user company within their industry. With rapid expansion plan, they are now looking for a new Regional Senior IT Engineer / IT Lead APAC to join their team. About the job Reporting directly to the IT Manager, your role involves:Providing IT support to end-users across APAC, this includes help desk support, system administration,
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Exposure to Wide range of technologyPermanent role with regional exposureAbout the company Our Client is an established MNC with offices in Europe and Asia. With rapid expansion and technology investment plan, they are now looking for a new IT Engineer / IT Executive / IT VIP Support / IT Analyst to join their team.About the jobYour role involves:Handling service desk support in a ticketing environmentManaging incident managementManaging external vendors
    Exposure to Wide range of technologyPermanent role with regional exposureAbout the company Our Client is an established MNC with offices in Europe and Asia. With rapid expansion and technology investment plan, they are now looking for a new IT Engineer / IT Executive / IT VIP Support / IT Analyst to join their team.About the jobYour role involves:Handling service desk support in a ticketing environmentManaging incident managementManaging external vendors
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Exposure to Wide range of technologyOn the job training from Senior IT colleaguesAbout the companyOur Client is an established MNC with offices in Europe and Asia. With rapid expansion and technology investment plan, they are now looking for a new IT Engineer / IT Executive / IT VIP Support / IT Analyst to join their team.About the jobYour role involves:Effectively prioritizing and resolving IT Support issues related to PCs, mobile devices, video conferen
    Exposure to Wide range of technologyOn the job training from Senior IT colleaguesAbout the companyOur Client is an established MNC with offices in Europe and Asia. With rapid expansion and technology investment plan, they are now looking for a new IT Engineer / IT Executive / IT VIP Support / IT Analyst to join their team.About the jobYour role involves:Effectively prioritizing and resolving IT Support issues related to PCs, mobile devices, video conferen
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Exposure to wide range of cyber security toolsTeam based environment (more than 6 other team members)About the companyOur Client is an established company. With rapid expansion plan, they are now looking for a Cyber Security Analyst / IT Security Specialist to join their team. About the jobYour role involves:Monitoring the evolving threat landscape and remediate incidents and take action on incident alerts. Ensuring thorough incident investigation followin
    Exposure to wide range of cyber security toolsTeam based environment (more than 6 other team members)About the companyOur Client is an established company. With rapid expansion plan, they are now looking for a Cyber Security Analyst / IT Security Specialist to join their team. About the jobYour role involves:Monitoring the evolving threat landscape and remediate incidents and take action on incident alerts. Ensuring thorough incident investigation followin
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Autonomy to make key decisionsHeavy investment in IT securityAbout the company Our client is end-user who is a market leader (more than 50 years of experience and at last 500 million dollars in revenue) within their area of specialization. As part of their plan to invest in technology, they are now hiring a new Cyber / IT Security Manager to be based here in their Asia Headquarters. About the job Your responsibility includes:Driving the on-going improvem
    Autonomy to make key decisionsHeavy investment in IT securityAbout the company Our client is end-user who is a market leader (more than 50 years of experience and at last 500 million dollars in revenue) within their area of specialization. As part of their plan to invest in technology, they are now hiring a new Cyber / IT Security Manager to be based here in their Asia Headquarters. About the job Your responsibility includes:Driving the on-going improvem
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Exposure to high value IT digital projectsHigh job stability. Concrete client base across various industriesAbout the company Our Client is a MNC who is a market leader within their industry. As the company continue to grow and expand their digital capabilities. They are seeking a IT Digital Program Manager to join their team.About the job Reporting directly to the VP of IT, your responsibility involves:Develop and manage digital program plans that focu
    Exposure to high value IT digital projectsHigh job stability. Concrete client base across various industriesAbout the company Our Client is a MNC who is a market leader within their industry. As the company continue to grow and expand their digital capabilities. They are seeking a IT Digital Program Manager to join their team.About the job Reporting directly to the VP of IT, your responsibility involves:Develop and manage digital program plans that focu
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